Last Day in Interlaken
On our last night in Interlaken, we finally found a non-touristy dining area within walking distance of our apartment. Just our luck. If you ever go, ask us where. Our clue was a gal crossing a small street with something food-related. We followed her, rounded a corner, and were met with several outdoor restaurants in a part of Interlaken just out of sight of the main shopping, tschotchki areas we had missed the whole time we were there.
While we ate, two guys performed some acrobatics, but we were too far away to see their act. On our way back, we saw them again, up close, performing at another restaurant! The area was a narrow street near a bridge. Traffic stopped, even a carriage whose occupants--Middle Eastern--barely gave them a second glance. We tipped the fellows both times.
We also passed an old apartment building and thought we heard music...a tape or video? Live? Turns out it was someone practicing yodeling from an upper floor! We recorded it; believe it's on another Interlaken page.
Quite a night.